Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lights on

Good thing I have an alias, because if my friends found out I had a blog I would have every possible discouragement short of tomatoes booing me off the stage. There is some sort of negative stigma against sharing thought, which is slightly troublesome in an age of such broad information technology. Perhaps, like everything else pleasant and good, it's considered 'nerdy'. Well I finally gave in when I had to read 1984 for the first time for an English project, and Winston talks about having a running monologue for nobody to hear. Well, I have no creeper Big Brother to hide from, so instead of sneaking off in a corner I can post this in a public forum to other people who don't fear free expression. I promise I won't use this is my own extended version of twitter, blabbing on about menial pointless things that happened throughout the day that makes you whiz right by my newborn baby blog before you've read two words. Believe it or not, I'm not afraid to share my (gasp!) thoughts and feelings with bold honesty. Lies and euphemisms act only to postpone truth and happiness, so I'll get strait to the point.

Speaking of which... sorry everyone, but Keeping Up With the Kardashians is like bulimia for the mind. Why would you do such a thing to yourself?

Hey Ladies!

I have recently discovered that all my truest heroes, women from the past, I know nothing about. Florence Nightingale, the famed founder of the red cross, is my idol, for I too aspire to be a nurse... but oh wait, all I know is she bandaged up wounds and had a rather comical taste in those wacky bonnets they wore back then. Then again, if Florence saw me now, adorning my typical form-fitted t shirt and jeans, she'd probably roll her eyes too. It's a little scary to think about though... in reality, I am a member of the first generation of women EVER to be told, "hey ladies! You can do whatever you want!" And it can be rather overwhelming at times. It makes me wonder if ol' Flo even wanted to be a nurse in the first place. Nurse or teacher... decisions decisions... but then again, this coming from a girl planning to be a nurse whos only sister has almost become a certified elementary teacher. Yet, as our always-supportive parents always told me, "you can be ANYTHING you want". So is it a coincidence that out of all things, exploring all possibilities, we decided upon the two most cliched female careers imaginable? It makes me wonder if society predisposes us to desire these careers, or if it is our natural role as women. Always the feminist, I've believed that men are naturally bigoted to believe themselves the superior sex. But in the end, isn't it us females doing it to each other? Traditional women fighting modern ones has always been the true root of the conflict, and in the modern world it's hard to decide which is the better route to take.

On a completely unrelated note, upon this blog asking for labels for the post, its first suggestion was scooters. Scooters?? Really? is this the most common blog topic? Well I suppose I'll get off my high horse about gender roles and hop on a moped like in a made for TV Mary Kate and Ashley Movie.